Hair porosity: what it is and what it's not

       What's up guys, have you guys noticed the weather lately?  It's been really cold and I practically wake up shivering and I've also been so lazy too. Whenever I arise from sleep, I most times go back to sleep and end up going late to class. Eish.
       So, queens of Tiana's palace today's article is going to be on hair porosity. In getting to know our hair better,  I've put together a short article on hair porosity. Knowledge of hair porosity will help us understand how our hair behaves and responds to products, heat, water, climate change and products we use in our hair.

        This is the state of being porous. That is having holes. It has been proven that our hair has tiny holes through which substances pass through that affect our hair either negatively or positively. Or perhaps neutrally. Lol. These tiny holes are present in our hair cuticles and they allow hair nutrients from the roots, water and other substances that help in our hair growth or detorioration.          

 Why is porosity important?
      The most important fact to note about hair porosity is that different people have different sizes of pores. Some have larger pores, others have smaller pores in their hair cuticles. And of course, don't forget the middle men. High porosity means larger pores,  low porosity means lower pores. Middle porosity means medium sized pores.
       High porosity hair absorbs water and products very easily. It also loses them just as easily. Oils and heavy butters that lock in moisture like hair mayonnaise are recommanded.
       Most girls wish they have middle porosity hair. As this hair type neither loses so much moisture. But oh well,  if wishes were horses.
       Low porosity hair have the tightest pores that hardly absorb moisture. To this hair type, heat is your best friend. Steaming the hair to open up it's cuticles so that the products can penetrate.
I'm sure y'all are wondering 'what is my hair porosity?' Well,  I'll tell y'all. Get a glass of water and put a strand of your hair in it. Now I'm not saying you should cut off a strand. Nay. We are trying to conserve all that hair. You can get a strand from your hair comb or hair brush. So, after you put your strand in the glass containing water, if your hair immediately sinks to the bottom  that means you have a high porosity hair. If it sinks to the middle level, your hair is middle porosity. If it floats, you have low porosity hair.
         My natural queens, what is your hair porosity? I've done my experiment and I have low porosity hair and this means I need to incorporate steaming into my hair care regimen. Comment below and tell me your hair porosity. Have a beautiful week ahead.  Love y'all.


  1. Lol.. This is cool.. Mine has a low porosity

  2. That is so cool. I guess we have the same porosity level. It would even be much better if our hair responds to products the same way


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